Saturday, June 4, 2011

Quotes and Links

For Aikido:

'From chaos, we deal with each individual shape then return to chaos.' --Seichiro Endo Sensei

"A mind to serve for the peace of all human beings in the world is needed in Aikido, and not the mind of one who wishes to be strong or who practices only to fell an opponent."

For Zen:

'The goal (or even "a goal") of zazen is not to clear your mind of thoughts. There is no goal of zazen.

This is the hardest part of zazen practice; that there is no goal or point to it. You just sit and experience what you experience while sitting. That's it.
'  --From Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner

Links to Video's -

Aikido Explained -

'What Aikido should be':
 'Aikido vs. Tae Kwon Do':

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 10: Rise up this morning smilin' with the rising sun...

Three Little birds was by my doorstep,
Singing sweet songs, 
Of Melodies Pure and True.
Singing: Don't Worry 'bout a thing,
'Cause every little thing is gonna be alright.

Bob Marley sure did understand the world in simple yet elegant ways...

So I finally did it.  I woke my slappy ass up in time to get to the morning class at Shinjinkai.  I have to say, I am REALLY glad I did.  It was a concerted effort and was an act of sheer will over my body.  I think I am going to try and make a habit of this when I can.  The morning classes are a slightly different atmosphere, but let us go back to the day's beginning...which actually was last night's end in some ways.  

Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with an acquaintance of mine.  She told me how she had heard on NPR a report about lack of sleep and its effects on the body...particularly for men.  Apparently multiple days in a row of little sleep drops testosterone levels in the body significantly and can have a multitude of ill effects on the body.  Interesting, well I feel great and I am pretty sure my testosterone levels are quite healthy, but nevertheless I took this warning to heart and decided maybe I should try to add a couple hours of sleep to my routine considering I wanted to try and get to the dojo in the morning. I packed my gym bag before I slept and headed off to bed. I am REALLY glad I did.  I actually woke just before my alarm (as usual) laid in bed for a few and then took a nice long hot shower to wake me up slowly. 

Recently, I was able to procure a vehicle so I think that made it a little easier to get moving too.  I will admit I had a moment of weakness and I dropped by Dunkin' Doughnuts on the way in.  Now I was SEMI-sensible and had a blueberry bagel with light cream cheese and a medium coffee.  I figured eating a Boston cream just before class was probably not in my best interest, as much as I REALLY wanted that custardy chocolatey goodness. Slowly but surely I am breaking my doughnut habit, (Thank You Liga for chiding me a couple of weeks ago about not slipping back into old bad habits.  You have no idea how motivational you can be.)

I was afeared that I was going to be late but I actually arrived about 12 minutes early for meditation... NICE!!!  When I went into the changing room there was a gentleman I had not seen before, he greeted me with a smile and asked, 'Are you here for Aikido too?'  Yessir I am indeed. 'Cool, I usually can't make the evening classes so this is the only time I can come.'  Ahhh I am in a similar boat myself, I usually try to go to the evening classes but my show schedule this week and next are making that rather difficult at the moment.

I put on my Gi and entered the dojo.  Today there was only myself, Nike, Matt (whom I just met) and Andrew Sensei.  This was my first time meeting Andrew Sensei.  He welcomed me into the dojo and shook my hand.  What stood out to me about Andrew Senei, he is about my size, if I were about 60 lbs leaner and he has many tattoos.  He shares one feature with the rest of the Shodan and above... a closely shaven head.  I am beginning to wonder if this is a rite of passage when one reaches shodan, do you shave your head?  Only time will tell I suppose, it also just may be coincidence.  I did find out the Nike is going back to Germany in the next three weeks,  For some reason that makes me sad a little bit.  She is a very interesting woman and was the first person to greet me in the dojo beside Meido Sensei. 

We all talked for a bit.  I made mention that I couldn't get to the evening classes like I wanted to and Andrew Sensei at one point made the comment, well the morning classes don't really interrupt anything except maybe sleep... we all laughed, because HOW TRUE.  I did notice when I arrived the dojo was already set for meditations.  Nike politely asked me if I had been to one before.  Yessam I have.  I picked up my pillows bowed, and took my place.  Try to get comfortable then DDDDIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg  KLACK!  DDDDIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg... And we were into it.  I think I did better.  I didn't fidget at much until the last couple moments and my limited fidgets were kept to my toes and not shifting position.  I had a little trouble clearing my mind... So many thoughts.  I did have a couple moments of clarity.  I do remember a Metra train whizzing by the dojo and the most brilliant golden textured light twinkling on the wall almost like spirits welciming me into a different state of conscousness.  Yeah, okay, so I can't turn off the lighting designer part of me, even if I want to.  Ya know, there was one moment that stands out in my mind particularly.  I was finally reaching clarity and found myself aware of everything around me, my body, and the colors in the room started to shift around me slightly.  Darker more rich... then BBBBUUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZ!!!!!  Someone rang the front buzzer... needless to say, the moment was gone.  Nike got up and answered and returned... Damn that was frustrating.  *sigh*  I wanted to get fidgety, but I resisted the urge as much as possible.  I did at one point try to wiggle my toes on my right foot... nothing.  Okay, DON'T PANIC!!! This has happened before, you'll stand up and feeling will return, I promise... The words of Matt Weaver and several others reverberated through my head, you're not doing damage, you're just pinching a nerve slightly... DON'T PANIC!!!!  Deep Breath... 1....2.....3....  DDDDIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg  KLACK KLACK!!!  Everyone else rose and cleared the mats for class.  I tried to standup... My right leg actually felt like it wasn't there... AT ALL... Don't panic...  I tried to stand again, my leg would bare no weight.  didn't hurt, just wouldn't respond.  Slowly the feeling began to return.  I limped off the mat and stowed my cushions.  It took almost 5 minutes for me foot to come back fully.  No pins and needles this time.  what does this prove to the Dustin???  I need to sit more.  I am kicking myself for letting that part slide so much lately in my day to day operations.  To be honest it is likely this would be helping with the bouts of depresssion that tend to strike me so hard... live and learn.

I had only but a few brief moments to get some water before Aikido.  Three more students showed up at that point to join the morning fun, two of whom I had not met previously.  Andrew's warmup sequence is quite different from that of all previous teachers I had encountered.  I still happened to make it through pretty easily.  I must have been having issues with breakfalls for some reason though as he stopped the class and broke the falls down into steps.  *sigh*  The difference between what I already know and what I am learning are very frustrating sometimes.  When we go to techniques things were quite interesting.  I find myself trying to keep pace with the other students in class and every now and again have to stop to breath for a second.  I really wish I could remember the names of the techniques.  Apparently today was about wrist grabbing.  The first technique was quite complex and I don't know that i can accurately describe since I did not fully understand it.  What I DID glean from it though is my ending position for pinning to the ground.  There has always been a bit of space between my legs and the ribcage of Uke.  Andrew showed me how use my knees to help pin the person in place as well as how to use my weight to pin the arm instead of relying on my brute strength. (I'm on the brute squad)

The next technique involves stepping to the side and behind the Uke and clutching thier head in your elbow to throw them off balance and then a second step to throw them backwards.  Very simple.  

the last technique Andrew called a sword cut and I think I can understand why.  When the opponent grabs your wrist you simply rotate to the outside, while swithing hands.  As you finish the rotation you actually move under the bridge yuove created and set the opponent backwards to the ground.  I think in this rotation you would draw your sword and slash thier back, but I am not wholly sure.

Here's Found a Video, I would recommend also watching Sensei's comments.  Some VERY interesting thoughts in there.

Class finished a few moments early and I headed off to the dressing room.  Ansrew was putting on his shoes just outside the door and asked how I like it.  I told him that is was nice to work with someone new and that I did like he was far more strict and specific about technique.  He laughed and said he thought he was taking it easy on us.  And then He looked me in the eye and said, 'Welcome to the morning class..'  I think he knows I will be back for the mornings.  In the dressing room I spoke with matt for a few moments.  He laughed and said,'i hate class in the heat, sometimes you start sweating just by putting your Gi on.'  I laughed, because he's absolutely right.  I sat down for meditation and felt the first beads of sweat stat to form on my brow... and I wasn't even moving.  I can't imagine whats its going to be like when its 90 out.   Ultimately in reflection I think i liked getting up early and meditating and working out A LOT.  The entire day I have felt great.  Even though my muscles are a little sore, its a good feeling knowing that i don't have to work out again until tomorrow if I don't want to.  I wonder if one of these days I am going to have the wherewithall to do a morning session and then go back for an evening class.  Nike does it, why shouldn't I?

So this round of Aikido was pretty straight forward. 

quick recap of things I have learned and need to work on:

I need to 'sit' more.  I don't like feeling like my leg has been removed from my body.
I am getting better about fidgeting with meditations.
I still have a littel hitch in the top of my range of motion of my shoulder.  I have to wonder if I didn't do some rotator cuff damage at work a while back.
I am not a morning person, but if I continue these morning workouts... that may change.

Anyhow, until next time.
